The Right Way To Fill A Divot...

In order to create the best playing conditions for you and your fellow players we ask for your help in replacing and filling your divots.

Divots are a natural occurrence on the course and the sooner they are filled the more quickly perfect playing conditions are restored. You will find divot mix on tee boxes that necessitate frequent use of irons and attached to the sides of your golf cart at Apple Mountain. This divot mix is designed to be used as necessary throughout your round. Please take care to avoid using divot mix boxes for waste and cigarette butts; garbage receptacles are available throughout your round.

When it comes to the replacement and filling of divots preference is always given to replacing any solid turf. Any turf you can replace will improve healing – if it holds together, put it back and apply mix around it as necessary. A properly filled divot should be filled so that the mix is smooth and just below the surface of the surrounding turf. An overfilled divot is bad for mowing equipment and is wasteful of soil and seed.

Thank you for your help in ensuring the best course conditions possible!

GolfBen SchippersGolf